Thursday, October 20, 2005

Contain,repress ...

Think and think hard.
Try and come up with the last day in your life when somebody didn’t try and con you out of your or your dad’s ( ..or your mum’s for that matter, let’s not be chauvinistic here) hard earned money.
Umm, ok ok take 5 more seconds..

When was it…adolescence, kindergarden probably, right?
Not a fucking day goes by when I try and live my life and I don’t have to fight a battle, a real battle, to hold on to the money that rightfully belongs to me. Be it the cop trying to book you for some bullshit, or that sniveling autodriver who perennially will have to return empty from the destination that you’re going to, like you’re taking them to Mars or something. Hell, the worst are those freaking Credit Card salesmen who call up 5 times a day and offer a free Credit Card to you. Boy do I get scared when I here the word “free” nowadays. Its almost as if a shiver runs down my spine when they say they’re giving it to me for free. Wasn’t my last number change enough to throw them off my tracks?Where’s the catch? What am I missing? Which part of their gory connivance am I falling for? What in god’s name did I do to deserve this? Where’s the hidden charge, which will spring up on me, like Hobbes does so often on Calvin, on one bright sunny morning when I get a CC bill of some astronomical figure which will be neatly masqueraded as “Club Membership Fees”? What fucking club did I now become a member of…”The-nincompoops-who-fell-for-the-ol’-free-credit-card-trick Club” ?

You know, I somehow get this feeling that this will be stuff that people will be making Bollywood movies about in the year 2010 . In the 80s it was all about the loathsome Zamindaar who would eat bony, dhoti clad kisaans for breakfast,lunch and dinner while also trying his willy machinations on the village belle. Then came the 90s when the hero had to wage his epic battles against the corrupt, drug dealing, palm greasing, Mafiosi who always had the item girl by his side. Today is ruled by the RGV school of underworld concoctions with everybody double-crossing everybody and whoever else is left. The next big new idea is definitely going to be AB jr fighting the archetypical broken-english-speaking, back-of-the-neck-scratching, feet-shifting, dirty-jacket-wearing salesman who is trying to control his mind by selling him a free credit card. I can see it all. How AB jr will arrive from some nondescript town and make it big in Bangalore as a Software Engineer and make his cancer-stricken,bed-ridden, kyunki-saas-bhi-watching mother proud of her IIT educated son. Life will be a bed of roses till the day he gets the dreaded phone call and makes the life altering decision which will break his very soul and make him a slave of the big corporation out to achieve their goal of world dominance by enslaving the world with their “free” credit cards. The movie will obviously end with AB jr blowing up each every building of this corporation with Kareena Kapoor’s help. But after the soggy popcorn is over at the end of the movie , we simpletons will obviously go back to our conmen infested haven, knowing fully well that the autos we are traveling in have meters that show 1 and a half times the actual fare, that the cop at the corner, views us as nothing more than a wad of notes, that tomorrow when we get back to work, we will get a call again from the CC company offering us one more of their devilish schemes and that we, the spineless, can do nothing about it.

Current Music: SilverChair - Steam will Rise