Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Do i still have my 21 grams?

Saw 3 movies over the weekend. The first one was "Flatliners" , an over-the-top attempt looking at death by the god of over-the-top movies, Mr. Joel Schumacher himself. I can never forgive him for what he did to the Batman franchise ( Batman:forever and Batman and Robin) till it was rescued by Chris Nolan. This movie was one of his earlier forays and starred a virtual who's who of todays movie stardom - Keifer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt, Billy Baldwin. It was about this bunch of med school students played by the aforementioned who try and experiment with near death experiences. Consequently all hell breaks loose. While it might sound like one of the present day Sean William Scott, Sarah Michelle Gellar kinda movies, let me tell you straight up that its NOT! It handles the whole subject a little more cleverly, though the story could have been made a whole lot more gripping. BTW, why the hell dont we see more of Kevin Bacon and Keifer Sutherland on screen nowadays. They are such good actors !

The next movie that i saw was the one that absolutely blew me away. This was "21 grams" directed by this hotshot Mexican director Alejandro Innaritu. This is the same guy who directed "Amores Perros". 21 grams starred Sean Penn, Naomi Watts and Benecio Del Torro. Its one of the better non linear story depictions that i have seen with the flow criss crossing between the past and present. But the beauty of the entire movie lies in the fact that this criss crossing leaves you curious and engrossed in the story. The movie is basically about how 3 totally unrelated people meet together because of a freak accident. Benecio Del Torro shows why he's regarded as such a fine actor and his performance as the born again ex-con towers over Penn and Watts' performances. Penn and Watts have this Macbethian relationship in the movie and its amazing to witness the subtle manner in which Watts increases her grasp over Penn. Penn though has some amazing dialogues to his credit in the movie, the poem that i had mentioned in my previous post being one of them. Penn kinda reprises one of his underdog-loser kinda roles that he has portrayed to perfection in the past, but his acting in the movie is terrific. Watts, is a little to shrewish for my liking, but man does she look stunning in the movie or what! This is a must must watch movie for everybody.

The other movie that i saw was The English Patient for the nth time. Hell, what can i say about this movie which already hasnt been said before. Is there any director better than Minghella when it comes to adapting love-tragedies for the screen? I wish i could have seen this movie on the big screen. The desert would have looked even more alluring and beautiful than on my little 21" TV. The last few sequences in the movie where Almassy leaves Katherine in the cave and goes looking for help, often leave me with a lump in my throat. Its just too beautiful.

BTW, why the hell have i not heard of Devin Townsend in the past? I have been listening to this album of his called "Infinity" and cant get over the song " Unity". The guitar intro is just amazing. This guy, i read, is the guy behind Strapping Young Lad, though this music of his sounds like Enya meets Metal. Quite nice. Apparently, this album of his inspired by Broadway Musicals and somehow you get that feel from the album because of its grandeur-ish sounds and orchestra.

Current Music - Devin Townsend - Unity