Monday, February 06, 2006

Give dance a chance....

Its been a long time but I am back. Well kinda. My left shoulder aint what it used to be but i guess i will have to live with that. The last weekend was spent in a quick trip to Delhi to get an MRI done and to meet some doctors who told me that i have chipped some bones and partially torn my left shoulder ligament. Ah well. Shit happens. Atleast we came third in the Corporate Basketball tournament. But the downside is that the docs told me to stay of sports for 6 if i am gonna listen to all that they say :)

Well, it seems travelling is well and truly in my stars for the time being. The 26th January weekend saw me spending 4 days in Pune. And that city absolutely blew me away. It reminded me so much of what Bangalore used to be around 5-6 years back, when it was still pristine and not as over burdened as today. I was hosted by my good friend Konga who finally managed to be of some use. Well most people who know Konga will be wondering how the hell that is possible with him being the guy that he is. Let me explain. He, being an alumnus of XLRI, managed to wriggle his way through the interview of ITC. And ITC being the behemoth that it is, weilds quite a bit of influence when it comes to pubs and nightclubs and somehow this "genius" has managed to learn the fine art of using his clout. Konga having his clout. Pisses me off :)
Well, we went to a couple of places in Pune, the first being this wonderful pub called 1000 Oaks which played exactly the kind of music that you can sing along too. The crowd and atmosphere was quite nice and it seemed that the regulars at that place knew their music. The other place which is also really recommended is Sheesha cafe at ABC Farms. ABC Farms is like this gallery of restaurants/pubs and has this nice hookah bar called Sheesha. We were fortunate enough to be there when a live band consisting of some Swedes and Italians was playing some amazing reggae. The place was the perfect lounge without being the too brightly lit. More importantly, the people who run the place had paid more attention to being comfortable than being wacky and chic, so that was a relief. Most of the seating consisted of good old diwans and ottomans, a perfect place to lounge and listen to good music. The place was situated on a terrace with an amazingly green view, and with the night temperatures in Pune being really really pleasant it provided the perfect setting for some nice music. The musicians were quite adept and more importantly, were not too obtrusive and blended nicely into the place. The crowd was quite knowledgeable and very international. Thats one thing that hits you when you are Pune, the number of foreigners that you see around, the reason obviously being the fame that good ol' Osho had brought to this city. And his ashram was also definitely on my list for places to see for obvious reasons. The overbearingly high walls proved to be let down considering all the hopes that i had of catching some "action" at the ashram. But I did catch sight of some really really HOT women who were part of the ashram and seemed to be living there. Couldn't help wondering what had driven such HOT women to live in an Ashram though....hmm.....could it be...hmmm....ah well.
Konga also took me to a some nightclubs namely Nirvana and Xion but their wasnt much i could do with my arm and all. But these places were just like any other night club in India playing exactly the same tracks that you could find in any club in India. Kinda weird how at any point of time the whole country or the world might be dancing to the same set of tracks in most of the night clubs....
We were too lazy to go to Lonavala and too hungover to go to a quiz there but in all in all it turned out to be quite a fun trip. Also managed to catch Rang De Basanti there. Hmmm what can i say about RDB that hasnt been said already. Watch the movie once atleast for its freshness if nothing else.Most of the actors are quite adept though i really cudnt swallow Aamir Khan as a 25 year old guy. And how i wish AR Rahman would leave the singing to someone else. His music is getting a little to repetetive for my taste. "Lose Control" and "Khalbali" are way to cliched, but the clincher for me is "Roobaroo" -the guitar being the saving grace for that song.

Ok time for me to go and trip on the latest album that i bought. "Faithless -Forever: Greatest Hits". For all those who care, this IS the seminal house act for me. An absolutely wonderful album.

Current Music: Why Go? - Faithless