Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Blooms around the bend...

Chance readings in the midst of a boring day. Went and read this on Adi's blog the other day. The gist of it being pretty much where to draw the line as to how much you can take in a relationship.

Then i go to TableMannered's blog and read this . In specific the lines that appeal to me the most being:

What we call 'love' has a short life-span. It is a day in which you allow yourself to touch somebody's body and soul simultaneouisly. Rarely, the day turns into the habit of a lifetime. But often, all you have is a small collection of such magic-days.
Our days are slipping past and I am helpless against them. I am afraid I may lose him to his own indecision. That by the time he decides that he is ready for love, I will be too worn out. Or that I will just have fallen off the edge of the world.

And I used to think that if you find the person you love, the whole haze of confusion would melt into nothingness. Is everybody in love always so confused???

The answers all come, i guess, depending on how much faith you have in your relationship. Thats the only thing that helps you weather the thunderstorms that come in between these magic days. The day you lose faith, is when it all becomes meaningless i guess. The rest is all bullshit, that you shouldn't give too much attention to .

Current Music: Opeth - Blackwater Park