Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I really do not have too much knowledge about too many world cultures. I have spent a reasonable amount of time in only 2 countries viz. US and India. But there is one crystal clear conclusion that i have made about our nation or rather about Indians as a race. We are a bunch of incosiderate people. We do not care what the person to the left or right of us has to go through because of our actions, we just believe that we must do what is immediately of value to us and those who are near and dear to us. The person who might indirectly be affected by our actions be damned!
I mean just look at something as simple as the way we drive. Aren't the driving ethics of city/group of people/person/nation are a clear reflection of their thinking, the kind of people that they are? Driving is nothing more than following a simple set of rules! Yet how many of us can do it right? And more importantly how many of us CRIB about it and yet go out on the roads and drive like a bunch of shitheads. I have seen the most educated, the most "civilised" amongst us go out there and cut through lanes, drive on the opposite sides, take u turns on a chock-a-block full road so that the entire traffic is sent to the dogs, just because somebody wants to save on a few measly bucks of petrol and not drive up to the next roundabout. Hell, I have even seen people driving the swankiest, most expensive cars do this kinda shit, giving a damn to these beautiful pieces of machinery for which they must have paid bucketfuls of money. And again it all boils to consideration doesn't it? Granted that all of us want to get to wherever we want to go in the shortest possible time AND using the shortest possible route but do we ever consider whether we are causing trouble to those around us.
Same thing is sooo applicable to us even as listeners. I dont know whether its me but I have almost given up arguing with most people i am around with. I know since they will never try and listen to what i am trying to say and always try and prove that what they are saying is right, it makes no sense to argue with them. I do not believe in shouting matches and if you cant have an intelligent argument with me then screw u ! and dont bother wasting my time. I am not gonna listen to you even if you make statements that go radically against my thought. After all what do i have to gain by making you see the way i see things which *might* be right. After all, its your loss, not mine.

Current Music: SwitchFoot - Dare you to move