Songs buzzing in my head at the moment
If I were to write a CD right now then it would contain:1. Death - Zero Tolerance (Chuck Schuldiner is nothing but a GOD!!)
2. Radha Ramana - Tulku( feat. Jai Uttal) - heard Crispian Mills aka lead singer of Kula Shaker sing "Govinda Jaya Jaya, gopal jaya jaya..." in "Govinda". Well this is the original bhajan sung in that ISKCON kinda manner with some nice mellifluous mixes at the back. Perfect mood balancing song.
3. Akele Hum Nadiya Kinare - Shubha Mudgal - simplicity at its best. I wish i was a painter, cuz this song makes me wanna paint a picture, a picture of a sunset by a river, with somebody waiting by the shore for her beloved
4. SwitchFoot - Dare You to Move - its like creating an illusion out of sound. This atmosphere music..its almost as if it makes your world expand right before your eyes
Current Music: Solid Sessions - Janeiro